Save for the things that matter most

Specify your goal amount

Give your goal a name so you always remember what you’re putting money towards.

Set your goal amount

Whatever you’re saving for, set the amount of money you’ll need to save to meet that goal.

Take the stress out of saving and get started with Spruce

With every amount added, watch as you get closer and closer to meeting your goal.

Take the stress out of saving and get started with Spruce


I’m saving for

Saving Goals FAQs

Science says you should give your savings goal a name and specific value to be more successful.

Spruce can help you save money with features like Savings Interest, Saving Goals, and Round Up at select retailers. Also, there are no monthly or sign-up fees and no minimum balance requirements with Spruce, so you can keep even more money in your pocket.

The amount of money you should have in your emergency depends on your individual circumstances. However, a good rule of thumb is to have enough money to cover 3 to 6 months of living expenses.

Don’t have an emergency fund yet? No worries — Spruce can help you build your savings so you can meet your goals over time with automated savings, Round Up, and Cash Back Rewards at select retailers.

According to financial studies, fewer than 40% of Americans said they could afford a $1,000 emergency. That’s why for many, establishing an emergency fund is the first step towards financial stability. Experts recommend having 3 to 6 months of expenses saved for emergencies. It might seem impossible until you get started. Every penny saved gets you closer.


Research conducted by the Financial Health Network.