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What to know about student loans — right now

3 min read


A lot has happened with federally held student loans lately, so it can be tough to keep it all straight. As a quick recap, here’s the latest:

This news triggers a lot of financial impacts — especially at a time when the economy and inflation are still affecting people’s budgets. If you’re taking a moment to regroup and consider what it means for you, know that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.

The team at Spruce is here to help you unpack this topic and get ahead of any tasks you may have now and in the coming months.

Repayments start in October: Are you ready?

March 2020 feels like it was ages ago. Think of how much has changed since pandemic era relief put federally held student loan payment requirements hold. You may have changed banks, addresses, a different job, and so much more.

Now that the repayment freeze is lifting, it’s a smart idea to run through a few basics to make sure you’re ready. Missed payments can mean your credit takes a hit, so you don’t want to have any surprises. 

Student loan repayment readiness checklist

Related: How credit score is calculated, How to create a budget

How Spruce and H&R Block can help

Getting ahead of your first repayment in October is a big job. If you need help making heads or tails of your spending, Spruce’s budgeting tools can help — and you don’t even have to do anything to get started. Spruce will automatically categorize your spending for you so you can identify how much you’re spending and where, helping you look for places to redirect spending towards your loan repayments.

Don’t have Spruce yet?  Get started.

At tax time, you can rely on H&R Block Online or an H&R Block tax pro to help you claim the student loan interest deduction which can reduce your tax liability.   

This information provided for general educational purposes only. It is not intended as specific financial planning advice as everyone’s financial situation is different.

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