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Benefits of a balance transfer and the impact on your credit score

7 min read


Consider this scenario: You’ve had a credit card for a few years, but you open a letter and see an interesting offer — another credit card issuer is offering a considerably lower introductory interest rate, maybe even 0% for 12 months. Sounds interesting, right? But do you pursue it?

Or maybe, you’re considering credit card debt consolidation (in other words, combining debt onto one credit card) for easier management. In either case, you may be wondering if there are drawbacks.

This post will help you determine the answer to the question, “Does doing a balance transfer lower your credit score?” so you can make your next financial move fearlessly!  

Here’s what else to expect: We’ll cover a balance transfer’s impact on your credit score by outlining potential pros and cons, so you feel more informed about what could impact your credit score and making strides towards the best money management you can for your unique situation.

Plus, if keeping tabs on your credit score is important, you’ll want to know that Spruce lets you keep tabs on your credit scorefor free.

Benefits of balance transfer and the drawbacks

People choose to do a balance transfer with credit cards for a number of reasons:

While the benefits of balance transfer are broad, you’re probably wanting to gut check, “Is this the right thing for me?”  Here are some cautions that could help you weigh the decision:

Does a balance transfer impact your credit score?

Aside from the benefits and drawbacks mentioned above, one critical consideration is understanding any impacts to your credit score. So, does a balance transfer hurt your credit? The answer is not one size fits all. A balance transfer may adversely impact credit score depending on a few factors.

Depending on your circumstances, your score may go up or down. Some of these factors include — whether a new credit card was opened, the credit limit on the new card, how fast debt is paid down after the balance transfer, the change to your credit utilization rate, and the type of credit score pulled.

Generally, applying for a new credit card will involve a hard inquiry on your consumer credit report, which stays on your record for a few years and does negatively affect your credit score in the short term. Another short-term negative impact, though usually quite minor, is lowering of the average age of your credit accounts. Why is this the case? Because it’s preferable to have older accounts to demonstrate your long-term accountability to lenders. However, both hard inquiries and average account age are components that typically don’t affect your credit score as much as your overall outstanding debt and payment history. 

Just be sure you are strategic about when and how often you incur hard inquiries. Plus, try not to close older accounts at the same time as opening new ones as both moves can lower the average age of your credit accounts. 

With that in mind, even with the ding from a hard inquiry, if the new credit card will lower your overall outstanding debt to available credit ratio and improve your ability to make payments, your credit score may very likely improve in the long term. So, when contemplating the question, “do balance transfers lower your credit score?” rest assured that it can be a smart step if taken with a plan and a little research.   

If your credit history is a concern, you’ll want to keep one thing top of mind: Your goal should be to pay off debt, not to accumulate more.  

Want help understanding your credit score? Get extra guidance on how to build or rebuild your credit score.

How to transfer a credit card balance

If you’ve decided that moving your credit card debt is right for you, you’ll need to know how to do a credit card balance transfer. The process requires just a few relatively simple steps, which we’ve distilled here

Parting thoughts on credit scores and balance transfer

Learning about credit can take time and discipline — but once you learn the basics, you’ll be on your way to making better decisions for your financial future. 

Want more help understanding concepts such as your credit score or credit reports? Check out Spruce’s Resource Center to learn about important credit topics.

Then, learn all about the features Spruce, a mobile banking app that supports you in all things personal finance, has to offer. 

Get started with Spruce today.

This information is provided for general educational purposes only. It is not intended as specific financial planning advice as everyone’s financial situation is different.

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