How do I enroll in Courtesy Coverage?

Last updated: April 25, 2022

To enroll in Courtesy Coverage, you’ll need to meet some requirements:

  • In the last 35 days, you need to have received one or more qualifying direct deposits with a cumulative amount of at least $200.
  • Deposits can come from an employer, payroll provider, or government benefits payer and must deposit into your Spending Account as an automated clearing house (ACH) transfer. Tax refunds do not count.
  • To keep using Courtesy Overdraft, you need cumulative direct deposits of at least $200 every 35 days.

Once you’ve met the requirements, go to the Spending or My Life tab and choose Turn on Free Courtesy Coverage. You can also enroll by selecting Courtesy Coverage under your Profile. Toggle the service on and from there, you’ll be good to go and will be covered up to $20 on purchase transactions, ATM withdrawals, and over-the-counter withdrawals using your Spruce debit card that overdraw your account. Your next deposit will automatically be applied towards any negative balance — without any overdraft fees.

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